Stress Away
Collection of personal experiences and discoveries on how to be a happier person and live more relaxed and happier life through making small changes and making happier choices.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin When it is rain outside, even if you are in hot sunny Florida, the first thing that comes to ming is a bowl of soup. hot chicken soup filled with all kind of veggies. I haven’t cook this soup in years to be honest.…
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I have been sitting in front of my screen for last 3 days trying to figure out how it all works. having background in web development it has been kinda embarrassing. The plan was to have several posts already by this time however I am still trying to figure…
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Happines Chaser I have been writing notes for a long time but never started an actual blog. I would say the main reason could be my passion and interest for so many things that I could not concentrate on one single thing to write about. But you know how…
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