Is it for real or are we pretending?

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It was one of regular hot summer days in Miami. My girls and I met for a brunch. Even that we live in the same small city we all have different work hours and don’t have a chance to meet often. Stories of our adventures were flowing over a jar of white sangria and somehow we got to the point of talking of what we approached in our lives. And with that came a thought is it real?

If you, reader, are in your 20 you are just starting an adult life and maybe you will not understand where all this came from. People at an older age might relate.

We got to the agreement that neither of us sees oneself as a grown-up person. We are married, some of us are with grown-up children. We have our jobs, our houses, and our responsibilities. We don’t ask permission to do something with our lives for already more than a decade or two and still, it all seems like we are just pretending.

I am actually glad we had this talk as I was feeling it almost always and it never occurred to me that I am not alone.

I remember when I got married, after several years of both having to fight for our relationship and having hard times as a result. We prepared most of our wedding ourselves so when it was finally over and we woke up in the morning, we looked at each other and the thought was: ” wow we actually did it”

That same thought comes to me sometimes mostly at moments when I achieve something big like one of my childhood fantasies or dreams,  thinking that my son is already 23 years old and has his own life and I still feel like I am a little girl and all things that I do are not real but like a dream. 

I would like to hear from my readers if you have had this type of feelings. What do you think, Are we for real or just pretending? 

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