How I Started My Weight-Loss Journey

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I already mentioned before that I used to practice Karate and  and had a pretty active life. I also lived in a different country with different lifestyle and different food options. Obviously once I moved to Miami and it all changed I started putting weight and went from size 2 to 4 and to 6. Then some hormonal imbalances and long road trips with bad food options even worsened the situation and got me to size 10-12. 

Once my son left for college and we (my husband and I) moved to Miami Beach Fl. we decided to take care of our bodies. I mentioned it already in one of my early posts. I wasn’t losing as much weight as I wanted but good thing I was getting healthier overall and learning to eat healthily I did went down to size 8 though and lost 5Lbs.

8 month later I started having constant pain y my lower back. As a result of my previous lifestyle and things I worked on my disk got herniated. I went for a 1 year and 5-month therapy treatment. (will mention it some day) one of the conditions of the treatment was no any exercising at all. I tried to eat healthily and keep my weight and at the end of the treatment, I was at 168Lbs. 

The treatment left me with very weakened lower back and hips. Muscles were constantly cramping. I didn’t know what was happening but I assumed I need to make them stronger.

My first exercise lasted 5 minutes and was done laying on the bed… It was basically just lifting my legs sideways. Next day I did it for 7 minutes, then 10. By next week I already had my mini routine set and was doing 20 min.  I did it at home while watching the news. every time I felt better, with less pain and fewer cramps.

So far I have lost 30Lbs. it has been more than a year, so don’t expect miracle results. I am planning to guide you through the process and intend to teach you how to do the research on what would be a benefit for you. 



side leg elevation for excursus
This is how I did it. One side at a time.
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